Condit basic

“CONDIT BASIC” Microbiological organic soil activator

Unit of measurement: 5 kg, 10 kg

Organic soil activator

CONDIT® Basic restores the microbiological activity and natural fertility of the soil.

Application: apply to the soil before sowing or planting, as well as for additional fertilisation.

CONDIT® Basic is a microbiological organic soil activator with fertilisers, produced from natural substances using biotechnological processes. The composition and characteristics of CONDIT® Basic meet the criteria and characteristics of organic farming. CONDIT® Basic is uniquely balanced, and is composed of many protein-containing components that the soil microorganisms decompose to allow the plant to easily absorbed nutrients. These substances are released into the soil slowly, and so prevent growth stress. Therefore, this soil activator is the optimal source of plant nutrition.

CONDIT® Basic persists in the soil for 12 months; it is environmentally friendly and suitable for organic farming.



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